The leading source of information about philanthropy worldwide, Foundation Center maintains the most comprehensive database of information about U.S. and international grants and grantmakers.
Information Architecture, Annual Report Design, Website Design and Development, Print Design, Branding
Foundation Center gathers detailed, accurate information about philanthropic activity worldwide. It then makes that information available so the social sector can see where efforts are being focused, make the best decisions on where to give, and adopt best practices.
Their success depends on their ability to make vast volumes of data accessible and understandable. We provide print solutions and software delivery systems that convey their data in engaging ways, visually communicate report findings, and give users from around the world easy access to supporting data.
Evolving with Foundation Center and telling its story
Annual reports, both online and in print, highlight the launch of new digital tools and programs, staff who have contributed to the Center’s ongoing work, and the impact it has had throughout the social sector.

A condensed, printed report is sent out to all of that year’s donors.

A condensed, printed report is sent out to all of that year’s donors.
Making knowledge accessible to the world
In printed reports and custom websites, we helped the Center bring their extensive research on the social sector to life by designing infographics and data visualizations that quickly convey key findings, engaging users with clear texts and graphics, and providing them with access to deeper information, including the ability to search for the information most relevant to their efforts.

We partner with ondesign because they know how to visually express the data we curate. Their design insights and abilities are essential to helping our global audience understand the data we provide, draw conclusions from it, and finally take action based on it.